Four Deadly Vices
Ancient wisdom on the things that stunt our potential  and how to overcome them. 

For centuries mystics, theologians and everyday followers of Jesus alike have recognised that certain habits and patterns are particularly destructive when it comes to living a full life. They push us away from love and joy, away from others, and away from God. They’ve gone by many different names: the seven deadly sins, the eight evil thoughts, the capital vices and many more. 

But it’s not all doom and gloom! For as dangerous as they are, God’s grace is greater. He equips us and enables us to overcome them. 

In the lead up to Christmas, join us as we explore Four Deadly Vices. These are four destructive habits that our culture is particularly prone to. As we recognise them, and lean on God’s grace, we find renewal. 

Hear more online or in person 10am Sunday morning 28th of November – 19th of December. 

Week 1

Week 3

Week 2

Week 4

Video Coming Sunday 19th December